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Get an overview of clauses inserted in a project from the summary sheet
Get an overview of clauses inserted in a project from the summary sheet

Follow the evolution of the clauses contained in your projects

Anne-Thaïs avatar
Written by Anne-Thaïs
Updated over a week ago

We're excited to share a nice update to our product: we've added powerful clause tracking 🙌

You have the ability to track the clauses inserted in each of your projects:

  • View which clause is used in a project

  • Know which clause has been modified in a project

⚙️ How can I access the clauses tracking in my project?

  • In a project, click on the "Clauses" icon on the right

  • The "clauses" section appears on the right-hand side, where you can find various information about the clauses in your project, including:

    • The number of "clauses inserted" in the project

      • The number of "initial clauses", in green, that have not been modified

      • The number of "modified clauses", in orange, that have been modified

  • The list of all the clauses used in the project

💡This clause tracking tool allows you to know both the number of clauses used in the project but also to know at any time if they have been modified or not.

🔎 How do I know if a clause has been edited in my project?

  • To know if a clause has been modified, just go to the "Clauses" section of your project.

  • You can see the number of modified clauses in orange, and see the breakdown between the initial and modified clauses as below

  • You can access the breakdown between edited clauses in orange and not edited clauses in bleu and therefore know the number of modified clauses.

  • In the list of clauses, you can see precisely which clauses have been modified in your project thanks to an orange tag “Modified

  • They also appear in orange on the document:

💡 (Only ADMIN)

Clicking on "See all" at the top right in the "Clauses" section of your project will redirect you to the dynamic components. You'll have a global overview of all the clauses created by your organization.

To learn more: dynamic components.

🧐 How do I find a clause in my document?

  • Move your mouse over a clause in the "Clauses" section, and a "search" icon appears.

  • Click on it, it will automatically locate the clause in the document.

🏗️ How do I edit a clause from the "Clauses" section of my project?

ADMIN only

  • Move your mouse over a clause in the "Clauses" section, and a "Pencil" icon appears.

  • Click on it, you will be able to edit the clause.

  • Once you have edited your clause, click on "Edit clause".

  • Click on Update this clause and confirm the modification.

⚠️ The clause will be automatically updated in all templates where it is used. This edition will update all instances of this clause located in the templates. Conversely, updating a clause will not update instances in current and completed projects.

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