Access counterparty's profile
You can view detailed information about a counterparty directly from a project:
Via the Counterparty Column
Via the Summary Sheet
Click on the "External Link" icon.
A new page will open, displaying the counterparty's record.
Information Available
From the counterparty’s profile, you can find various details:
In the center:
List of recent associated projects
List of all projects
On the right:
Smart fields, whether completed or not
Link to access dynamic components (administrators only)
Archiving a Counterparty
When you are no longer actively negotiating with a counterparty, you can archive their record to streamline your interface.
Steps to archive a Counterparty:
Access their profile
Click on the menu at the top right of the record and select "Archive this Counterparty."
Confirm the action.
Steps to Reactivate a Counterparty:
Repeat the same process from the counterparty’s record to reactivate them.
Impacts of archiving :
The counterparty will no longer appear in selection menus, lists, or filters.
They will remain accessible via the global search and associated projects, marked with an "Archived" tag.
View the complete list of counterparties
Only administrators have access to the complete list.
To view all counterparties and their information:
Go to Workspace > Counterparties from the main menu.
The list is displayed in alphabetical order.
Use the search bar in the top-right corner to quickly find a specific counterparty.