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Manage a project from creation to signature
29 articles
Start a project
Learn how to start a new project
Collaborate internally on a project
Discover how to improve internal collaboration
Invite members from your team to collaborate on the project with youHow to add your collaborators to the project ?
Create tasksHow to create tasks in a project to collaborate and get things done.
Use activities to collaborate internally
Upload signed projects
Gather all signed projects into Tomorro
Store a signed contract in TomorroLearn how to store a contract signed without Tomorro in your repository.
Bulk import your contract poolHow do I import the information for my existing contract pool in bulk?
Forward document by email to create contracts in TomorroHow to forward documents received by email to Tomorro via an email address dedicated to your company.
Import signed contracts and process them laterHow to simplify the centralization of your signed contracts to be stored in Tomorro's repository?
Projects in "To process" view?Find out more about document visibility in the "To process" view