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Set up a default project manager

How to quickly and efficiently manage the assignment of your projects from the template.

Anne-Thaïs avatar
Written by Anne-Thaïs
Updated over a week ago

For more control and organization within your company on the projects created, Tomorro allows you to set up automations in a few clicks.

In particular, you have the ability to set up a default "supervisor" for all future contracts created corresponding to this template.

🧐 What does this mean?

Tomorro allows you to give autonomy to your teams: thanks to the access you give them to the platform, but also to the templates you set up, you allow your collaborators to create projects and contracts in seconds.

But when it comes to contracts and important documents, autonomy requires keeping an eye on what's going on in Tomorro.

This means that as soon as a user, whatever his role, creates a new project using a specific template, the member defined as the default manager/supervisor :

  • will be notified by email of the creation of the project

  • will be automatically added as a participant and tagged as the "Supervisor" of the project: this means receiving notifications of activities on the project (new version received, new comment added, signature completed, or message sent for example).

⚙️ How to define a default project manager?

Add a project manager

To set this up, go to the "Templates" tab in the left-hand menu. Then you can just click on the template for which you want to set up a default manager.

1- On the right of the template interface, click on the "Participants" tab.

2- In the "Project supervisor" section, click on "Add a supervisor".

3- Once the person is designated, he or she will appear at this location:

Edit or delete a project manager

  • To change the default project manager, first, delete the current manager (by clicking on the trash can to the right of the person's name when you move the mouse over it).

    Then click on "Add a manager" again and repeat the operation.

  • To remove the person you have chosen as a manager, simply hover the mouse over the first name and click on the trash can that appears on the right.

👤 Who can be designated as the default project Manager/Supervisor?

As with approvers, only users with an "Admin" or a "Manager" license can be designated Supervisor for all projects created from a template.

💡 If you need more Admin or Manager licenses to add more approvers, you can contact your account manager or contact us via chat or at

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