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Manage the counterparty's rights

Choose the rights you want to give the counterparty

Anne-Thaïs avatar
Written by Anne-Thaïs
Updated over a week ago

To best support you during your negotiations, and to meet all needs depending on the situation, Tomorro allows you to choose which rights you can grant to the counterparty on your contract.

👤 Which rights can I grant to the other party on the contract?

Three types of rights exist depending on the freedom you want to grant on the contract to your counterparty:

1) Read 👁

The "Read" right is a read only sharing mode of the contract to the counterparty. No possibility to make comments or modifications on the contract.

💡 If the contract contains smart fields to be filled in by the counterparty, this will of course be possible through the form. This is the only action they will be able to do.

2) Comment 💬

The "Comment" right is a sharing of the contract to the counterparty with the ability to add comments on the contract text. No possibility to make edits in the contract body.

💡 If the contract contains smart fields to be filled in by the counterparty, this will of course be possible through the form.

3) Suggest ✏️

The "Suggest" right is a sharing of the contract to the counterparty with the ability to make changes on the contract (adding text or deleting), in addition to being able to make comments of course.

Thus, in "Suggest" mode, any edit that will be made by the counterparty on the contract will appear as suggestions (addition in green and deletion in red), in other words will allow you to track the edits, in the same way that the mark-up in Word for example allows.

💡 If the contract contains smart fields to be filled in by the counterparty, this will of course be possible through the form.

🤔 How and when to choose which rights to grant?

When sending the contract

When sending the contract to the counterparty from Tomorro, you will have to add the contacts to whom to send the contract, but also at this moment, you will be able to decide which rights to grant on the contract.

Simply click on the rights option that suits your needs.

From contract participants

Even before you send the contract for the first time, you can manage both internal and external contract participants.

Managing the external participants/counterparty also means managing the sharing settings of the contract.

Open the participants by clicking on "Manage" (top corner right) and at the bottom of the panel that opens on the left of the screen, in the "Sharing settings" section, define the rights to be granted.

Can the rights be changed after sending the contract?

Yes, Tomorro gives you the possibility to manage the rights you want to give to the contracting party at any time.

To do this, go to the Contract participants, by clicking on "Manage" at the top right of the page. The panel of participants opens and you have the possibility to change the sharing rights.

The changes will be saved automatically ✅

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