🧐 How to access the profile of a counterparty ?
To access the file of a counterparty, you can in your repository. You have two options :
An icon "External link" is displayed, click on it
You will be directly redirected to the counterparty's profile (as below:)
💡What are the different information contained within the counterparty profile ?
Once in the counterparty profile, you will have access to the following elements:
In the center of the record, you will have access to the latest projects your counterparty has been affiliated with.
You can also access all the projects to which your counterparty has been affiliated by clicking on the "All projects" button.
In the section on the right of your screen you will find the different information concerning your counterparty within the platform:
1) The smart fields related to the counterparty that have been filled in.
2) The smart fields related to the counterparty unfilled.
3) And finally a button allowing to "Manage my smart fields" from the dynamic components