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Bulk import your contract pool
Bulk import your contract pool

How do I import the information for my existing contract pool in bulk?

Anne-Thaïs avatar
Written by Anne-Thaïs
Updated over a week ago

⭐️ REQUIREMENTS: Before proceeding to import your contract pool in bulk, you should have done three things:

  • Have created your contract types, i.e. your contract templates (it is not mandatory to add a template document in it)

  • Have created your custom attributes (the values you want to track for each contract type)

  • Have linked the right attributes to the right templates, to track only the relevant information for a given type of contract.

To your regret, you have already contracted before knowing Tomorro, and therefore already have a large number of contracts that you would like to import into Tomorro.

Don't worry, we have thought of you!

To import your entire contract pool, go to the "Views" tab in the menu on the left of your personal space, choose one, and click on "..." then "Import projects".

💡 How to do so?

Here are 2 possibilities to help you import your contractual portfolio:

1) Import signed contracts AND related data: once the import is completed, all projects will be created and you will find :

  • the information (dates, renewals, notices, and other information you have chosen),

  • PDFs of the signed contracts included in each corresponding project.

2) Import your contract data, without the signed document - you prefer to add it (or not) later manually: once the import is done, all the projects are created and you will find your contract data (dates, renewal etc) and you will only have to add the signed document.

⛓️ Option 1: Import signed PDFs and contract information in bulk

1️⃣ Select the 1st option "Mass upload of signed files".

2️⃣ Add the PDF files of your contracts to be imported.

The number of files loaded will be displayed in the window.

Then click on "Next".

3️⃣ Here, once the PDFs have been added and loaded, download the excel template we have automatically prepared for you (step 1) :

In this excel template, here is what you will find and have to fill in for each imported document:

  • The 1st column: it contains the names of the PDF contracts you've uploaded in the previous step.

    ⚠️ It must not be deleted and the names of the documents must not be changed, otherwise the information and the PDF documents will not be correctly matched.

  • The following columns:

    • Contract name: here indicate the name that the project will take, where all the information related to the contract (signed document and data) will be stored.

    • Counterparty: enter the name of the counterparty

    • Contract status: select the status of the contract from the drop-down menu (DRAFT, NEGOTIATING, SIGNING, SIGNED).

    • Template: this is the type of contract, the associated model: this is the categorisation of your contract. Select an option from those you have created via the drop-down menu.

    • Start date: enter the start date of the contract, in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    • End Date: Enter the end date of the contract in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    • Notice value: indicate the number of days/months of notice - specify only a figure or number.

      💡 If there is no notice period, leave the cell empty.

    • Advance notice duration (day or month): choose the appropriate option using the drop-down menu between "MONTH" or "DAY".

      💡 If there is no notice period, leave the cell empty.

    • Date of signature: indicate the date of signature of the contract, in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    • Renewal: choose whether there is a tacit renewal or not between the options "TACIT" and "NO" (via the drop-down menu)

    • Fixed term? Choose whether your contract is for a fixed or indefinite period: in the drop-down menu:

      • "true" for a fixed term

      • "false" for an indefinite duration,

    • Renewal period (in months): Indicate only the corresponding figure or number. For example, if the contract is tacitly renewed for a period of 1 year (12 months) > enter only "12".

      💡 If the contract is not tacitly renewed, leave the cell empty.

The following columns correspond to the attributes you have created.

Fill in according to the corresponding attribute format: if it is to be a number, fill in only a number, if it is a selector with options, choose from the options provided.

Tomorro's tips 💚

  • If you don't have an information, leave the cell empty (don't put 0),

  • If an attribute does not concern all rows, simply leave the unaffected cells empty,

  • Remember to check the formatting of the cells: if it is the name of the co-contractor or a word, it must be text; if it is a date, it must be in date format etc.

  • Be careful not to make a mistake in the line: the information indicated in each line will be linked to the PDF whose name is indicated in the 1st column.

4️⃣ Once the Excel document is ready, you can click on "Import the completed file"(step 2)

Choose the file to import. The information and projects appear. You can check that everything is ok for you.

5️⃣ To validate, click on "Continue and import". If you do not click on the button, the import will not be done.

Wait for everything to load, and here we go 🎉 Projects are created, and all your contracts and related information are stored in your Tomorro contract library!

⛓️ Option 2: Import your contract information to create projects in bulk - without loading the PDF automatically.

This option can be useful if you need to create a lot of new contracts at once, to keep track of them: to mass-create unsigned contracts or if you have 50 contracts to negotiate at once. This saves you from creating projects one by one.

But it can of course be to import your signed contracts, to add manually signed PDFs later on.

1️⃣ Select the 2nd option "Mass creation of new projects".

2️⃣ Here, download the excel template we automatically prepared for you (step 1) :

In this excel template, here is what you will find and have to fill in for each row - each row = one contract:

  • The columns are :

    • Name of the contract: indicate the name that the project will take where all the information related to the contract (signed document and data) will be stored

    • Counterparty: enter the name of the counterparty here

    • Contract status: select the status of the contract from the drop-down menu (DRAFT, NEGOTIATING, SIGNING, SIGNED)

    • Model: this is the type of contract, the associated model: this is the categorisation of your contract. Select an option from those you have created via the drop-down menu.

    • Start date: enter the start date of the contract, in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    • End Date: Enter the end date of the contract in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    • Notice value: indicate the number of days/months of notice - specify only a figure or number.

      💡 If there is no notice period, leave the cell empty.

    • Advance notice duration (day or month): choose the appropriate option using the drop-down menu between "MONTH" or "DAY".

      💡 If there is no notice period, leave the cell empty.

    • Date of signature: indicate the date of signature of the contract, in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    • Renewal: choose whether there is a tacit renewal or not between the options "TACIT" and "NO" (via the drop-down menu)

    • Fixed term? Choose whether your contract is for a fixed or indefinite period: in the drop-down menu:

      • "true" for a fixed term

      • "false" for an indefinite duration,

    • Renewal period (in months): Indicate only the corresponding figure or number. For example, if the contract is tacitly renewed for a period of 1 year (12 months) > enter only "12".

      💡 If the contract is not tacitly renewed, leave the cell empty.

The following columns correspond to the attributes you have created.

Fill in according to the corresponding attribute format: if it is to be a number, fill in only a number, if it is a selector with options, choose from the options provided.

Tomorro's tips 💚

  • If you don't have an information, leave the cell empty (don't put 0),

  • If an attribute does not concern all rows, simply leave the unaffected cells empty,

  • Remember to check the formatting of the cells: if it is the name of the co-contractor or a word, it must be text, if it is a date, it must be in date format etc.

3️⃣ Once the Excel document is ready, you can click on "Import the completed file".

Choose the file to import. The information and projects appear. You can check that everything is ok for you.

4️⃣ To validate, click on "Continue and import". If you do not click on the button, the import will not be done.

Wait for everything to load, and here we go 🎉 The projects are created, with the corresponding information, and are stored in your Tomorro contract library!

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