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Simple and conditional approval

What is the difference between simple approval and conditional approval?

Updated over a month ago

For each approval step you can set up, before first sending or before signing, it is possible to choose between two types of approval:

  • simple approval

  • conditional approval (option available only for PRO and ENTERPRISE plans).

Create a simple approval step

A simple approval is triggered for each document, without any particular condition.

By default, as soon as you add an approver, the approval type will be simple.

So a "simple" approver will have to approve all documents created from this template, no matter what.

Create a conditional approval step

You also have the possibility to trigger an approval step depending on certain criteria, and certain conditions.

Thus, the approval of a particular approver will only be necessary if the conditions are met.

For example, user approval is only required if the contract amount exceeds a certain amount or if a parameter is met.

Once the approver has been added, to define conditions for triggering its approval, here's how to do it:

  • Move your mouse over the approver

  • Click on "+ Add conditions" (see below)

  • A panel then opens: you can choose the conditions which, if met, will trigger approval. You also have the option of "Create condition".

Approval scenarios are customizable and configurable thanks to the fields, including your smart fields. The possibilities are endless!

You can add several alternative or cumulative conditions.

To find out whether an approver will have to approve conditionally, a tag indicates the condition assigned to the right of the approver concerned (as shown below):

The type of approval (simple or conditional) is specific to each approver, so you have maximum flexibility to customize your approval workflows.

Edit conditions of approval

You have set up certain conditions as part of a conditional approval procedure and want to change the conditions? This is also possible.

To do this, click on the tag of the approval for which you need to make changes and click on the "Pencil" icon.

A window allowing you to modify the condition will open on the right. Make your changes and save by clicking on "Save".

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