The types of smart fields

The different types of fields you can create and use

Anne-Thaïs avatar
Written by Anne-Thaïs
Updated over a week ago

Smart fields are extremely useful, and at different levels:

💡 The different types of fields

There are 5 types of fields, and there are 5 possible formats of fields.

Quickly, from the Dynamic components, you can see the list of your fields as well as their type and related object:

You can choose the format when you create a new field.

👉 To learn how to create your custom fields, read this article.

The 5 types of fields are the following:

  • Text: the field can be filled with any alphanumeric characters and symbols. It allows you to write anything.

  • Number: the field can be filled with numbers only (including non-integer numbers). No other alphanumeric symbols can be added to a "Number" field.

  • Date: the field can be filled with a date - the date will be in DD/MM/YYYY format. They can be used to trigger automatic reminders and create events in a calendar.

  • Select: this type of field allows you to create a drop-down list of options.
    Only one option can be selected.

    Example: I create a "Applicable law" field with 3 options: French law, Italian law and Spanish law. By filling in the field, I can select one of the 3 options and one only.

  • Multi-select: This type of field allows you to create a drop-down list of options.
    Several options can be selected.

    Example: I create a "Selected Products" field with 3 options: Product A Product B and Product C. By filling in the field, I can select Product A and Product B, Product A, Product B and Product C or Product A only.

💡 Select and multiple select fields help you set up your projects.

Use them to quickly add information to project summary sheets, to filter views in the repository or to add conditions to project settings.

How do select and multiple select fields work?

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