When you sign a document in PDF format using Tomorro e-signature, a signature certificate is available.
To find out how to sign a PDF with Tomorro e-signature, here's how: Sign a PDF with Tomorro.
Where can I find the signature certificate?
The signature certificate is available once the PDF document has been signed by all the signatories.
It will not be available until the PDF has been fully signed.
Once the PDF has been signed, you will find it in the Files section of your project, accessible from the toolbar on the right:
The signature certificate is also available in PDF format and can be downloaded, as can the signed document.
What does the Tomorro signature certificate contain?
Here's an overview of what the Tomorro signature certificate might look like:
It contains and displays the following information:
The name of your project in Tomorro
The first name and surname of the person who sent the signature request in Tomorro
The name of the organization in Tomorro
Its email address
The timestamp of the signature request
First name and surname of the signatory or signatories
The name of the organization
E-mail address of each signatory
Time stamp of the signature
IP address of signatory