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Discover how to use the native Tomorro or DocuSign signature in your projects
13 articles
Choose the electronic signature tool from the templateHow to choose from the template whether contracts will be signed using Tomorro or DocuSign?
Define a signature orderHow to set up a signature order with the Tomorro signature?
Sign attachments with the Tomorro e-signatureLearn how to sign attachments along with your project
Customize Tomorro signatureWith Tomorro’s custom signature, you can tailor and control the information in your contracts for complete flexibility.
Sign a project generated in TomorroLearn how to sign a project created from a Tomorro template using Tomorro’s native signature feature.
Set up the Tomorro signature in a templateHow to set up and integrate Tomorro's signature into your templates for complete contract management on the platform.
Sign an external document with Tomorro signatureHow to sign an external Word or PDF document with Tomorro's signature?
Understanding the eIDAS Regulation
The Role of ETSI in Ensuring Secure E-Signatures
Tomorro electronic signature
The legal value of Tomorro native signatureWhat is the legal value of our electronic signature?
Retrieve the signature certificateWhere to find the Tomorro signature certificate once the document has been signed?