Whether you sign with Tomorro e-signature or via our DocuSign integration, from each template, Tomorro allows you to choose the default signature tool for all contracts created from this template.
How to choose a default signature tool?
From a template, go to the "Participants" section on the right-hand side of the screen, as shown below:
At the bottom of the section that opens on the right is the "Participant's default signature tool" section.
Here you have two options:
To find out how to set up the Tomorro signature from your templates, we explain everything in this section ✍️
Set Tomorro as default e-signature
To set Tomorro as the default signature for all contracts created
from the template in question: tick Tomorro.
Next, don't forget to set the various parameters for optimal implementation of the Tomorro signature in your template:
Choose default Docusign signature
💡This option requires you to use the Docusign e-signature tool, whose subscription is independent of Tomorro.
To set Docusign as the default signature for all contracts created from the template in question: tick Docusign.
This article explains how to connect Docusign and use our integration.
When you start signing a project
When the document is sent for signature, the signature tool pre-selected from the template will be the one applied by default for all users.
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