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Trigger reminders
Anne-Thaïs avatar
Written by Anne-Thaïs
Updated over a week ago

Every time a contract is signed (using Tomorro or by storing an already signed contract), you'll find a reminder automatically created by Tomorro for you in the project.

This automatic reminder is a "1 month before notice" reminder.

And as explained in this article, in addition to this automatic reminder, you can create custom reminders to keep track of the deadlines of your contracts.

⏰ When are reminders triggered?

All reminders, the automatic as your custom ones, are triggered in the morning of the day.

So if you have created a reminder for 01/08/2022, it will be triggered on 01/08/2022 at 9am.

📧 How are reminders triggered?

You can receive reminders:

  • by email - on the email address you've signed up to Tomorro with, and/or

  • in your notifications in Tomorro -> check the small bell next to your name, when it has a red flag indicating new events.

To make sure you don't miss any reminder, you can manage your emails notifications by clicking on your Name (bottom left) > My account > Notifications;

💡 More information here: Customise my notifications.

🔃 When is the automatic reminder triggered? How does it work?

This automatic reminder is automatically set up to be triggered 1 month before prior notice.

Let's take an example:

You have a contract starting 01/01/2022 and ending 31/12/2022, with a 2 months prior notice.

The prior notice being 2months, it starts on 01/11/2022.
The auto reminder set up by Tomorro is 1 month before prior notice.

The reminder will then be triggered 1 month before 01/11/2022 so on 01/10/2022.

And if my contract does not have notice period or has no fixed duration?

If there's no notice period: the automatic reminder will be triggered 1 month before the end date of the contract.

If there's no fixed duration: the automatic reminder won't be triggered at all. You can delete it if you want to. Just click on the bin symbol on the right of it.

⌚️ When are my custom reminders triggered?

  • If you've created a custom reminder at a fixed date, it will be triggered at this precise date, in the morning.

    > If you've created a reminder to be triggered on 10/10/2023, you'll be notified on 10/10/2023, at 9am.

  • If you've created a reminder based on prior notice, same rules apply.

    > Let's take the same example as above:

    You have a contract starting 01/01/2022 and ending 31/12/2022, with a 2 months prior notice.

    You have created a reminder to be triggered 4months before prior notice, because you need time to think about it.

    The prior notice being 2months, it starts on 01/11/2022.

    Your reminder will then be triggered 4 months before 01/11/2022 so on 01/07/2022.

💡 No matter the duration of the months (31 days or 28 days), 1 month is to be understood as from the beginning to the end of the month.
So 01/02/2022 to 28/02/2022 = 1 month
And 01/08/2022 to 31/02/2022 = 1 month

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